SCSI is an innovative solution that provides comprehensive protection for websites against advanced cyber-attacks and in-browser and session data manipulation. System uses unique dynamic client code obfuscation for each session, adding encryption of all communication and browser session encapsulation. SCSI effectively minimises the risk of attacks and provides a secure online environment for your site.
Invisible, end-to-end solution ensuring security of your website.
Powerful protection against attacks for your browser and session
Protection against man-in-the-browser (MITB) and man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks
SCSI solution protects your browser from MITB and MITM attacks that may attempt to intercept and manipulate your web sessions. With SCSI, the risk of unwanted interference with communication between your browser and your website is minimised.
Other vectors of attackBuilt-in Bootloader
SCSI uses the built-in Bootloader to protect sessions with dedicated session keys, dynamic obfuscation and additional encryption, ensuring that your data is secure even in the case of attacks.
Additional encryption layer
SCSI adds an additional layer of encryption and authentication inside the existing HTTPS layer, starting from the SCSI server, moving through the server infrastructure to the SCSI client in the browser. Additionally, SCSI encrypts all URLs on the website, protecting against SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting attacks by hiding both the URL and the server-side structure.
Secure session between the customer’s browser and web-based system
Applying session obfuscation and encryption significantly improve security. Constantly changing and hidden application code makes it difficult for cyber-criminals to repeat malicious attacks.
Invisible server-based product
SCSI runs completely invisible to your clients. The solution runs as a protective layer in front of your web server, managing all data transmission between the server and the client device at browser level.
Effective defence against diverse attacks
SCSI solution effectively protects against unwanted browser and session data manipulation. Below are examples of attack methods that are detected and neutralised by SCSI.
Man-in-the-browser and man-in-the-middle attacks
MITB and MITM attacks can be used to steal data, take control of a user's session or hijack sensitive information. SCSI provides security features such as dynamic obfuscation of client code, encryption of communications and monitoring of browser activity, making it difficult for attackers to manipulate content sent between the server and the user.
Web injection and XSS attacks
Unsecured websites are vulnerable to malicious attacks by injecting content into browsers. Data sent between the web server and the browser can be read and modified in unencrypted form. SCSI adds an additional layer of encryption at the browser level, providing greater security than HTTPS by encrypting and authenticating traffic.
DOM manipulation
If a malicious plug-in or helper object is installed in the client's browser, it can access the full content of any website visited by the client. SCSI solution constantly monitors the displayed website and detects any attempt to make unauthorised changes to the protected website.
Session and cookie hijacking
Attackers install malicious tools that can read network traffic, steal session cookies and impersonate the victim. SCSI encryption provides secure communication all the way to the SCSI client running in the browser, which prevents inspection of the HTTP protocol. SCSI client protects session cookies, making it difficult for attackers to access them and effectively securing the session from takeover.
Frequently asked questions
Check out the answers to frequently asked questions about the SCSI solution.
With these features, SCSI effectively minimises the risk of unwanted intrusions into communications between the browser and the website, ensuring a high level of security for users.

Discover how SCSI can secure your website
Want to know more about protecting your website? Get in touch with us.